Welcome to my site!
Hi! I'm Greninlucarizardlup. Welcome to my website! Here you'll find quizzes, reviews, a scavenger hunt game, and other Nintendo-related pages.
I've made a new Pokémon trivia quiz
I've finished writing a new Pokémon trivia quiz. The quiz features questions about both the games and the TV series of Pokémon. There are 10 different questions on this quiz.
Here is a link to the new quiz:
I've updated the trivia quizzes section
I've added new questions to the trivia quizzes.
I updated the trivia quiz page
I'm still working on some new content for the site
Just letting everyone know that I'm still planning on writing new content for this site. New updates should arrive soon. Sorry for not updating the site for a while. I sort of lost interest in running the site for a while.
The best Nintendo 3DS games of each video game genre
I've also updated the AG/DP trivia quiz to add more questions to it. So, feel free to take it again and see what you end up scoring.
And congratulations to everyone who completed the scavenger hunt game on here recently! You've been added to the list of people who've completed it.
Nintendo DS games that could get a remake
I've put up a new page on this site called Nintendo DS games that could get a remake or port. It's a list of games that I think should get either a remake or port on the Nintendo Switch. Of course, if I think of any more ideas, then I'll be sure to update the page.

This is a fan-made website. Nintendo games and series are all owned by Nintendo. Pokémon is owned by Nintendo, Game Freak, and TPCI.
All content on this website is owned by me.